Dans le cadre d’un projet mené par Madame LAGUILLAUMIE et Madame LELANDAIS en ETLV (Enseignement technologique en Anglais), les élèves du groupe de 1ère STMG 2 ont eu l’opportunité de rencontrer Safina DEBEAUVAIS, une jeune entrepreneuse amiénoise engagée contre la Fast Fashion. Cette rencontre a été très enrichissante pour les élèves, qui ont pu échanger autour de la création d’entreprise.
«Safina explain us that there are different steps when you want to create your ownstart-up.She planed her business and took 1year to achieve her goal. Safina told us thatthere are a lot of documents to prepare. Forexample, you have to deposit a patent toprotect thecompany’s name, ask a loan to thebank and only after, you are able to make andsell the products. Safina makes and send herproduct by herself, she has a laboratory athome so she works at home. It was a real pleasure to meet an entrepreneur and it confirmed my choice for my future orientation. » – Anthony Lê
“Safina advises us to start our own business and be proud of our journey if it succeeds, to develop our business and make a profit. And if the business fails, then we would not have any regrets and move on to another project” – Shina Ternois et Mary-Lou Junghans-Masson
“Ms Debeauvais set up her organic cosmetics business in 2020. Her company has corporate status, so if it goes bankrupt, she won’t be affected by it. She uses social network as a mean of communication and targets a certain clientele: women aged 28/40, and young mothers. She created a cosmetic brand because it is what she prefers. (…) But she doesn’t pay a salary, she reinvests everything in her company, she has two jobs to support herself” – Romane Beaudry et Ambre Bonhomme
Nous remercions Safina DEBEAUVAIS d’avoir pris le temps d’échanger avec nos élèves.